Just before I went on vacation the documentation PRs, i.e. PR about adding a four bar linkage example and the PR explaining the joints framework using figures were merged. Also the PR, which improves the Point.acc method, was merged. However, after my holiday I heard the request of making these figures a bit smaller in filesize. So, this last week I converted them to SVGs in this already merged PR. After this I mainly did some reading up and investigating how we could introduce a Mobilizer joint as described in this paper by Seth, A., Sherman, M., Eastman, P., & Delp, S.

This lead to raising this issue. But the main thing I started working on is this draft PR, which changes the definition of a Joint to be a bit more general. Where we were first using a parent_axis and child_axis to describe an intermediate frame and the joint axis. It is now changed to use a given intermediate frame for the parent as well as the child. And for the joint axis we use a separate argument joint_axis. I would love to write and explain a lot more about this PR, but if you are interested you’d better just visit it.

Issues and PRs I’m working on:

  • this draft PR which switches the Joint definition to use intermediate frames.
  • Raised issue about a problem that defining a new joint in a certain way can lead to a deletion of a previous joint.
  • Raised issue about the inconsistency in storing velocity and acceleration data in the Point class.
  • My comment on how we could make the Body class more analogous to a ReferenceFrame.

Some other opened issues an PRs, which I have open, but am not currently working on:

  • PR I reviewed
  • Issue about image readability in the new dark theme.
  • Issue about using a recursive calculation of the velocity in the Point.vel method
  • Draft PR which adds a check on the velocity and acceleration theories as mentioned in the old PR
    • Needs a decision as mentioned in this comment
    • An issue I’m participating in, which is about making the KanesMethod compatible with the Body class.