Still working this draft PR, which is now close to ready to really get reviewed. Besides the change to the intermediate frames. This PR now also proposes to replace the parent_joint_pos and child_joint_pos arguments by parent_point and child_point, since that is way more intuitive. Besides that I’ve also opened this issue, which is about a dependency between two tests (an easy fix).

Issues and PRs I’m working on:

  • This draft PR which switches the Joint definition to use intermediate frames.
  • Raised issue about the dependency between test_pinjoin_arbitrary_axis and
  • Raised issue about a problem that defining a new joint in a certain way can lead to a deletion of a previous joint.
  • Raised issue about the inconsistency in storing velocity and acceleration data in the Point class.
  • My comment on how we could make the Body class more analogous to a ReferenceFrame.

Some other opened issues an PRs, which I have open, but am not currently working on:

  • PR I reviewed (awaiting changes)
  • Issue about image readability in the new dark theme.
  • Issue about using a recursive calculation of the velocity in the Point.vel method
  • Draft PR which adds a check on the velocity and acceleration theories as mentioned in the old PR
    • Needs a decision as mentioned in this comment
    • An issue I’m participating in, which is about making the KanesMethod compatible with the Body class.