Core’s Plot Objects

This module contains mixins that can be used to create plot objects with different backends by inheriting from the appropriate mixin and the backend’s PlotBase class.

Mixin classes to be used when creating plot objects.



Mixin class adding an origin property to a plot object.

PlotBodyMixin(inertial_frame, zero_point, body)

Mixin class for plotting a body in 3D.

PlotFrameMixin(inertial_frame, zero_point, frame)

Mixin class for plotting a ReferenceFrame in 3D.

PlotLineMixin(inertial_frame, zero_point, line)

Mixin class for plotting lines in 3D.

PlotPointMixin(inertial_frame, zero_point, point)

Mixin class for plotting a Point in 3D.

PlotVectorMixin(inertial_frame, zero_point, ...)

Mixin class for plotting a Vector in 3D.

class symmeplot.core.plot_objects.OriginMixin

Bases: object

Mixin class adding an origin property to a plot object.



The origin of the object with respect to the zero_point.

property origin: Point

The origin of the object with respect to the zero_point.

class symmeplot.core.plot_objects.PlotBodyMixin(inertial_frame: ReferenceFrame, zero_point: Point, body: Particle | RigidBody, name: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Mixin class for plotting a body in 3D.


The subclass should instantiate the PlotFrame and PlotPoint objects in the constructor. If the body has a frame, then the PlotFrame should be the second child. The PlotPoint representing the center of mass should always be the first child.



The sympy body, which is being plotted.


PlotFrame used for plotting the reference frame of the body.


PlotPoint used for plotting the center of mass of the body.

property body: Particle | RigidBody

The sympy body, which is being plotted.

property plot_frame: PlotBase | None

PlotFrame used for plotting the reference frame of the body.

property plot_masscenter: PlotBase

PlotPoint used for plotting the center of mass of the body.

class symmeplot.core.plot_objects.PlotFrameMixin(inertial_frame: ReferenceFrame, zero_point: Point, frame: ReferenceFrame, origin: Point | Vector | None = None, name: str | None = None, scale: float = 0.1)

Bases: OriginMixin

Mixin class for plotting a ReferenceFrame in 3D.


The subclass should instantiate the PlotVector objects in the constructor. The children should be added in the following order: x, y, z.



The sympy ReferenceFrame, which is being plotted.


The origin of the object with respect to the zero_point.


The PlotVectors used to plot the reference frame.


PlotVector used for the unit vector in the x direction.


PlotVector used for the unit vector in the y direction.


PlotVector used for the unit vector in the z direction.

property frame: ReferenceFrame

The sympy ReferenceFrame, which is being plotted.

property origin: Point

The origin of the object with respect to the zero_point.

property vectors: tuple[PlotBase, PlotBase, PlotBase]

The PlotVectors used to plot the reference frame.

property x: PlotBase

PlotVector used for the unit vector in the x direction.

property y: PlotBase

PlotVector used for the unit vector in the y direction.

property z: PlotBase

PlotVector used for the unit vector in the z direction.

class symmeplot.core.plot_objects.PlotLineMixin(inertial_frame: ReferenceFrame, zero_point: Point, line: Iterable[Point], name: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Mixin class for plotting lines in 3D.


The subclass should create and add the artist in the constructor.



Arguments of the sympy object artist in expression form.



The points that spawn the line.


Coordinate values of the plotted line.

get_sympy_object_exprs() tuple[tuple[Expr, ...], ...]

Arguments of the sympy object artist in expression form.


The form of the expression is ((x0, x1, ...), (y0, y1, ...), (z0, z1, ...)).

property line: tuple[Point, ...]

The points that spawn the line.

property line_coords: ndarray[float64]

Coordinate values of the plotted line.

class symmeplot.core.plot_objects.PlotPointMixin(inertial_frame: ReferenceFrame, zero_point: Point, point: Point, name: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Mixin class for plotting a Point in 3D.


The subclass should create and add the artist in the constructor.



Get coordinate of the point as expressions.



The sympy Point, which is being plotted.


Coordinate values of the plotted point.

get_sympy_object_exprs() tuple[Expr, Expr, Expr]

Get coordinate of the point as expressions.

property point: Point

The sympy Point, which is being plotted.

property point_coords: ndarray[float64]

Coordinate values of the plotted point.

class symmeplot.core.plot_objects.PlotVectorMixin(inertial_frame: ReferenceFrame, zero_point: Point, vector: Vector, origin: Point | Vector | None = None, name: str | None = None)

Bases: OriginMixin

Mixin class for plotting a Vector in 3D.


The subclass should create and add the artist in the constructor.



Arguments of the sympy object artist in expression form.



The origin of the object with respect to the zero_point.


Coordinate values of the origin of the plotted vector.


The sympy Vector, which is being plotted.


Values of the plotted vector.

get_sympy_object_exprs() tuple[tuple[Expr, ...], tuple[Expr, ...]]

Arguments of the sympy object artist in expression form.

property origin: Point

The origin of the object with respect to the zero_point.

property origin_coords: ndarray[float64]

Coordinate values of the origin of the plotted vector.

property vector: Vector

The sympy Vector, which is being plotted.

property vector_values: ndarray[float64]

Values of the plotted vector.